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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Revelation 1:1-8: Order of Worship

Rocky: Wow, this is going to be neat. Apart from the fact that we're both ordaining and installing new officers and both celebrating the Lord's Supper, there's almost nothing alike in our worship services. In your first reading you're sticking with the Baptism of the Lord of the Lectionary; I'm not doing that. In fact, I even lied on the front of the worship bulletin and called it the "First Sunday in Ordinary Time," which, of course, is made up; there is no such Sunday.
Here's my order of worship (without the actual texts for some things, because I simply lifted most of them from a cd copy of the Worship Sourcebook that somebody gave me . . .):

*Call to Worship

* Hymn Holy, Holy, Holy Red #323

*Singing Praise, Worship, Confession, and Glory

Old Testament Reading Genesis 1:1-5

Children’s Time


New Testament Reading Revelation 1:1-8


Affirmation of Faith (The Heidelberg Catechism)

L: What benefit do we receive from “the resurrection” of Christ?

P: First, by his resurrection he has overcome death that he might make us share in the righteousness which he has obtained for us through his death. Second, we too are now raised by his power to a new life. Third, the resurrection of Christ is a sure pledge to us of our blessed resurrection.

Ordination and Installation of Officers
Here I Am Lord Blue #525

Offering and Doxology

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

*Hymn Blessed Assurance Red #67

A couple of notes: I've just about emptied my chamber on the "eschata--" device, and it's only the first week. Secondly, that final hymn. I like it because my folks know it really well and will belt it, but I have to admit serious reservations about preaching about the present time, about "realized eschatology" if you will, and then sending us all out with the lines, "watching and waiting, looking above . . ."

I guess these are the compromises you make.

Landon: To recap our conversation over coffee for the benefit of our readers...

I thought about it more as I left the coffee shop this afternoon, and I really would want to encourage you to reference the line from Blessed Assurance in your sermon. I think that the juxtaposition of you saying "this is not what it is", yet affirming the history of what we have believed through song, could be a powerful liturgical moment for the pew sitters.

The comfort they will feel singing a familiar song will (hopefully) be a balm on the sore of having their worldview challenged. That, I think, is liturgy doing what liturgy does best - comfort and stretch, comfort and stretch...

Landon: Here's my first shot at the major pieces of an order of worship:

Order of Worship - January 7, 2007

Welcome and Announcements

Ringing of the Bell

Call to Worship

Look! The Holy One is coming in the clouds!
Blessed be the Holy One, the god of Israel, who alone does wonderous things!
The Lord God is the Alpha and the Omega.
Blessed be the Holy One, the god of Israel, who alone does wonderous things!
Come let us worship the one who is, and who was and who is to come.
Blessed be the Holy One, the god of Israel, who alone does wonderous things!
- From Revelation 1:7-8 and Psalm 72:18

Hymn #476 - O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!

Prayer of Confession

For the times we have lied to one another
and the times we have been lied to,
heal us, Jesus, Savior of the world.
For the times we have laughed at another’s pain
and the times we have been laughed at,
heal us, Jesus, Savior of the world.
For the times we have spoken when we should have remained silent
and the times we have remained silent when we should have spoken,
heal us, Jesus, Savior of the world.
For the times we have not respected another’s freedom
to be different from us,
heal us, Jesus, Savior of the world.
For the times we have betrayed a friend
and the times we have been betrayed,
heal us, Jesus, Savior of the world.

O God of heaven and earth,
you emptied yourself of your power
and became a helpless baby
in order that you might heal the sick world.
Teach us to empty ourselves of the things
that destroy us and keep us alone.
Empty us of our jealousy,
of our meanness,
of our fear of others.
For Jesus’sake. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Hear the good news!
Who is in a position to condemn?
Only Christ,
and Christ died for us,
Christ rose for us,
Christ reigns in power for us,
Christ prays for us.
Anyone who is in Christ
is a new creation.
The old life has gone;
a new life has begun.
Know that you are forgiven, and be at peace.
Thanks be to God!
—based on Romans 8:34; 2 Corinthians 5:17

Congregational Response

The Peace

A Sacred Space for Children

Prayer for Illumination

First Reading - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22


Second Reading - Revelation 1:1-8


Installation of Officers

Hymn #6 - Jesus Comes with Clouds Descending

Prayers of the People

Offering Invitation



Prayer of Dedication

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

Hymn #434 - Today We All are Called to be Disciples of the Lord

Charge and Benediction

Ringing of the Bell
Based on the discussion in the last post, I'm thinking of changing the hymn of response to #356 - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.

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